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Learn from our subject matter experts with instructor-led live courses, online or in person. 

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Product Management in Corporate Banking

  • Identify emerging market trends and anticipate client needs
  • Apply client segmentation methods and predictive analytics
  • Develop long-term product roadmaps and strategies
  • Customise products and services to meet the unique needs of corporate clients
  • Integrate emerging technologies such as Generative AI into product offerings
  • Plan Go-To-Market and execution
  • Maximise the value of existing products through optimization and enhancement

Learn more about the Product Management in Corporate Banking course

Platform Engineering

  • Understand platform fundamentals, attributes, challenges, and the role of an Internal Developer Portal (IDP).
  • Build a Software Catalog to track ownership, define data models, and ingest metadata for your software ecosystem.
  • Create effective Software Templates (Golden Paths) for new applications and leverage generative AI for code creation.
  • Define and build robust Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Pipelines incorporating testing and modern deployment techniques.
  • Develop effective documentation strategies and utilize generative AI for efficient documentation creation.
  • Implement best practices for platform maintenance, tool integration, and performance monitoring with key metrics.

Learn more about the Platform Engineering course

Build your Software Catalog with Backstage

Establish your Internal Developer Portal and catalog your organisation's Tech Stack. Quickly onboard new developers. promote your standards and best practices and accelerate delivery.

Join our next cohort on 8 October 2024

Open Banking for Corporate Banks

  • Understand the key shifts affecting banks’ relationship with their enterprise customers
  • Identify and assess use cases for Open Banking
  • Develop an Ideal Partner Profile
  • Partner with your enterprise customers solution providers to optimise processes and deepen engagement
  • Build your institution’s Open Banking capability

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Scale Your Partner Strategy Workshop

Through our facilitated workshop, create your partner roadmap, ideal partner profile and implementation approach. You’ll learn what partners want in your API / platform. How to recover the investment in your current platform with the minimum of effort and time. And how to avoid mistakes.

So that you’ll have an implementation roadmap that includes market attractiveness, proof points, key capabilities, stakeholder engagement, and risk/compliance requirements.

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Tailored training

Have a specialised training need?

We work with you to identify your team's skill needs, and design, develop and deliver training to close the skill gaps.

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