Product Management in Corporate Banking

Apply product management techniques to meet customer needs in Corporate Banking

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Why Corporate Bankers need Product Management

Corporate clients are demanding personalised insights, multi-channel engagement, self-service, straight- through-processing and specialised products including treasury services and risk management solutions.

Meeting these demands requires a data- driven approach to prioritising product roadmaps.

Why now

This course will enable you to anticipate emerging market trends and client needs effectively through client segmentation and predictive analytics.

You'll develop long-term product strategies tailored to corporate clients and learn to integrate innovative technologies like Generative AI.

Additionally, you'll master Go-To-Market planning and optimization techniques to maximise product value.

What you will learn

  • Strategic Product Management in Corporate Banking
  • Market Analysis and Client Segmentation
  • Innovation and Disruption in Corporate Banking Products
  • Product Development and Customization
  • Go-to-Market Strategy and Client Engagement
  • Product Lifecycle Management and Optimization

Who the course is for

Corporate banking professionals responsible for:

  • Increasing revenue
  • Managing products
  • Extending distribution channels
  • Managing operations

Technical professionals supporting the corporate bank, including:

  • CIOs
  • CTOs
  • Enterprise Architects


How you will benefit

This course will equip you with the skills to:

  • Identify emerging market trends and anticipate client needs
  • Apply client segmentation methods and predictive analytics
  • Develop long-term product roadmaps and strategies
  • Integrate emerging technologies into product offerings
  • Plan Go-To-Market and execution
  • Maximise the value of existing products through optimization


Online or in person.


Interactive case studies and practical exercises reinforce your ability to apply the learning

6 modules

Conducted over six well-paced 3.5-hour sessions.

Structured approach

Build your organisation's end-to- end product management capability

Course Content

Product management in corporate banking

Strategic alignment of product management with corporate banking goals

Identifying emerging market trends and anticipating client needs

Developing long-term product roadmaps and strategies

Market analysis in corporate banking

Client segmentation methods and predictive analytics

Leveraging big data and AI for deeper insights into client behaviour

Identifying untapped market opportunities and niche segments

Techniques for product innovation and disruption in corporate banking

Harnessing partnerships for innovation

Integrating emerging technologies into product offerings

Mitigating risks associated with innovative product development

Product development methodologies in corporate banking

Customizing products and services to meet the unique needs of corporate clients

Implementing agile and lean principles in corporate banking product development

Prototyping, testing, and iteration techniques

Go-to-market planning and execution

Personalization and tailored marketing strategies for corporate clients

Leveraging digital channels and analytics for targeted client engagement

Negotiation and relationship management techniques

Product lifecycle management in corporate banking

Maximizing the value of existing products through optimization and enhancement

Leveraging predictive analytics to anticipate product lifecycle stages

Metrics and KPIs for monitoring product performance and client satisfaction

Your Guide

Jon Scheele, Founder of Blue Connector, Organiser of apidays Singapore and Fellow at National University of Singapore's Advanced Computing for Executives

Jon Scheele


Jon Scheele has over 20 years experience in leading technology strategy, data analytics, security, and interoperability initiatives in financial services and telecommunications.

Jon leads training and projects for clients to define digital product strategies and roadmaps aligned with their business objectives.

Jon excels in assembling multi-disciplinary teams to identify customer needs, develop, launch, and govern digital products, and cultivate vibrant developer communities to enhance the organization's offerings and drive business growth.

Amongst others, Jon has implemented initiatives for Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), ANZ Banking Group, Singtel, Telecom Italia, Telefonica Germany and Telstra. Jon holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration, a Bachelor's degree in Electronic Engineering, and Graduate Diplomas in Applied Finance and Digital Communications.

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